TAA Services

Physical Therapy


The physical therapy (PT) department at The Avalon Academy supports our student’s participation and access in the educational setting. We evaluate and treat focusing on the musculoskeletal, neuromotor, and somatosensory system to improve skilled motor control and movement function.

During our individualized therapy sessions, we use a variety of techniques including:

·      Neuro-developmental treatment (NDT/Bobath)

·      Reflex integration (MNRI)

·      Soft tissue/Myofascial release

·      Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation  (PNF)

·      Anat Baniel Method (ABM)

·      Manual therapy

·      Therapeutic exercise

·      Neuromuscular electrical stimulation


In addition to direct therapy, our physical therapists consult within the classrooms to ensure students are participating and accessing their education with the least restriction.

Because movement matters at Avalon, we take care to optimize student participation not just in the classroom, but throughout the school day. We integrate various opportunities to move using specialized adapted equipment with skilled supervision by our trained staff throughout the day.

We take a conscious effort to think about our student’s continuum of care as they move through our elementary, middle, and high school program by anticipating future needs so that our students continue to physically participate with autonomy and maintain a high quality of life. We evaluate and recommend student use of equipment such as adapted seating, gait trainers/walkers, standers, adapted tricycles, orthotics, bracing and splinting.

The PT department has also designed and facilitated class field trips for aquatic therapy. We continue to strive for unique and motivating opportunities to facilitate movement exploration and skill acquisition at Avalon. 

The Avalon Academy